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/ People of Sacramento Archives / People of Sacramento Archives (Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection)(1999).ISO / pc / Program / largepic / 4304f.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-12-07  |  132KB  |  500x367  |  8-bit (256 colors)
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OCR: Forum LOVE TOR OUR FRIENDS. COURTTSY FOR ALL, FEAR FOR NONE SACRAMENTO CAL. APRIL 1906. he Land of Sunshine and Golden Opport unitics of the aat abundant feut interesta aod profitalle vesr by the Most Flattering inducements to the Industrious the climno Negro Farmer, the Skilled Mechanic, has thing cain economic to the calmr the Artisan and Domestic. means penditure and the the Great Sacramento and Jeaguin valleys the a24 righis become of Citrenship Jess to the carr Tor stort timc. Let him who wants to cajoy all hi poader these tacts. Ther to ben Leter she rights this citizen- Cin and Brethren unncti opportunities manifea vd Far IF that Heaainzs Atra de thia that Southland State hildren migh the to gloricns ecure tcar and of" find The until their the Erer the mschinist ds sinte offers all ...